Monday, November 29, 2010

Hair pigmentation

Wouldnt we all like to be natural blondes and never have to worry about the unmanagable managability? Or be naturally dark, witout the "two week retouch", because unfortunatley your hair is just sooooo light that whilst growing appears to look like baldness? Of course we would, its a pipe dream to want what we cant have thats why of course cosmetology invented hair color (praise jesus), so it is possible to have what nature intended to give us, right? However "natural" hair pigment does have its purposes and need be understood. There are certain factors that go into narural hair pigment and yes gray is considered a natural hair pigment, some of said factors are based on two types of melanin, which are; Eumelanin (being the dominant pigment in dark-blond, brown, and black hair)and pheomelanin which is dominant in red hair. Blond hair is the result of having little pigmentation in the hair strand. Gray hair occurs when melanin decreases or disappears though we all wish it would'nt. And of course those of us who have kept our natural color have healthier hair, and less suseptible to breakage and damage =).

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