Monday, December 20, 2010

Hair and scalp in Cosmetology

Structure, growth and properties of the hair play a vital role in this industry. It will determine a trim, or a good three inches of ones hair. Properties of the scalp play a role as well, are you oily, or very dry? Of course, scalp properties play a vital role in choosing styling agents as well as at home care. The broad study of the hair and scalp is referred to as "trichology", as a cosmetologist it’s important to know as much as possible about the hair in order to keep it healthy. Three important categories play a vital role in this business; Hair Texture, hair porosity, and hair elasticity. Hair texture is the "thickness" of each individual strand (coarse, medium, and fine); coarse hair is the must resistant to process chemicals on (lighters, relaxers, perms) and is "coarse" to the touch. Medium hair; relatively simple to process, following normal manufactures directions will give desired result. Fine hair, the most susceptible to damage from hot tools and chemicals, lightens very easy and relaxes very quickly. Caution is advised on fine hair. Also, what kinds of haircuts are going to look good on these hair types? Would a simple bob suffice someone with baby fine hair? Or would something a little more practical; long layers, a blunt length to give more density. Someone with coarse hair who opted to get a shorter haircut but still wanted texture and dimension, lots of thinning and texturizing implements are to be used to keep a short textured style on thick coarse hair. Medium textured hair is a bit freer lance. The next important factor is hair porosity...the ability of the hair to absorb moisture. Porosity is related to the condition of the hair cuticle, if you have healthy virgin hair; hair is resistant to chemicals and requires a more alkaline solution to raise the cuticle. Overly porous hair requires the exact opposite; overly raising the cuticle will cause hair to become more damaged. To check hairs porosity, run your finger opposite of the cuticle. Hairs elasticity is also very’s the hairs ability to stretch. How much can the hair stretch before it breaks? Or how much can hair stretch before returning back to its normal state. Now for the scalp properties; There is dry scalp and an oily scalp, a dry scalp can be caused in a change in climate (winter) or a desert climate. Frequent shampooing of dry scalps can cause further irritation. An oily scalp is caused by overactive sebaceous glands or improper shampooing, this can be treated by properly washing hair with a normalizing shampoo and a proper diet =).

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