Thursday, December 9, 2010

Skin treatments....are you acne prone?

If there is one thing every one can agree on it is; we all loathe and despise acne. Simple fact of life. We all desire perfect, flawless, non oily and redness free skin. Unfrtunatley many of us are more suseptible to oily skin and because of that reason alone we can become more suseptible to acne. Acne/blemishes make as all self concious, red blemishes on the skin tend to stand out, we feel more eyes move over ourselfs when we have acne and blemishes. Fortunatley.....the daring, exiting, innovative world of cosmetology has invented methods to solve many of these issues (of course not all issues can be resolved by a cosmetologist only a physician or a dermatologist). Certain facial treatments such as; "extractions" are a method of applying preassure to blemish to allow any excess oils and sebum from the pores. Also certain makeup lines can help in preventing blemishes (oil free), and at home care products can as well. Normal facial treatments help and solve normal oily skin, however abnormal acne and oilyness should be treated by a dermatologist or physician. Not only does a normal facial rid skin of most impurities, but simple massages can act to strenghten facial muscles; this prevents sagging and preservers youth. A service called Microdermabrasian is typically used to treat ageing skin. however this service produces crystals that bump any buildup on the skin, each section of the skin is then vacumed up. Unfortunatley imperfect skin exists, but as science and technology advances so will our ability to rid everyone of imperfect skin and replace with flawless healthy skin =).

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